
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why I Plan on Always Having Cash on Hand

Meet England. England is a pig who decided to dress up as a skeleton for Halloween. I found him at Target last week. Any guesses what England is for? Well, I bought this adorable little guy to store my change in hopes that someday (a few years from now), I will be able to afford a trip to England. Now, before you go feeling sorry for England for his becoming obsolete sometime in the future, allow me to explain how this works... yes, it is absolutely true that England will no longer be England once this goal is reached; however, the pig, the adorable personality, will still exist. He will simply bear a new name. Perhaps New Zealand or Mexico. But for now, this is England.

I already have a few dollars' worth of change in him, but I realized as I put the change inside that I don't seem to accumulate it as fast since debit/credit entered my life. There's a simple solution: always carry cash. When I think about it, it's actually a pretty wise move on the whole. Besides filling up England more quickly, using cash as much as I can will benefit me financially too. 1) Carrying large amounts of cash terrifies me, so I probably won't have more than $50 on me at one time. While I'm not a huge spender, having a definite limit right there and countable at the store will absolutely keep me conscious of impulse buys. 2) Getting cash is inconvenient. Unless I want to pay a few extra dollars, I have to go to the bank to get it. The easiest way, I think, is to take out $50 cash every time I deposit a paycheck and that will be my allowance for 2 weeks. Wow, insta-budget!

England... you have just simplified my life as well as brightened my room and heightened my chances of cultural exposure. Thank you.