
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Start Wearing Purple!

So... I love living with Buster and Emelie. The language is a bit colorful, but, my crap, it's funny! I'm posting a list of hilarious moments/quotes from the last few months.

Sass Pills
Buster: I took a lot of sass pills today, it's time for someone else to get crap. And you're not going to sleep tonight, you know why? Because I'm going to say "let's have a booger contest!" *sniff sniff sniff* and whoever can get a booger out first wins! And I will get a booger on your face, and that's how you know that you lose. Because you have a booger on your face!

Emelie and I one night while Buster was at work:
Me: I should go to bed... should I read Great Expectations, play Final Fantasy II, or watch Be Kind Rewind first?
Emelie: Let the cats decide!
Me: "Let the Ring-bearer decide!"
Emelie: That's exactly what I was thinking when I said that!
Me: Okay, Gandalf!
Emelie: Gandalf isn't here, Mrs. Torrance.
Me: Buster would be so proud.

A conversation I overheard:
Emelie: For your day off tomorrow, I have one request.
Buster: What's that?
Emelie: Fix the vacuum!
The phone conversation I heard about later:
Buster: So I fixed the vacuum. I used it in our room for two minutes and it started smoking again. I stabbed the front of it with the screwdriver and took it outside. I didn't just beat the s*** out of it, I f***ing MURDERED it!

Nertz 1.0
Buster: Wife, I don't care what planet you're from, that s*** don't fly!

Overheard in the Kitchen
Emelie: I love that little guy! He's retarded though!
Buster: He has brain sammich.

Cooking Dinner Together
Buster: One of you needs to pick the movie.
Me: I can't, I'm stirring these onions.
Buster: Wife?
Emelie: If I were the little red hen that could, I wouldn't be chugging up this hill making bread all by myself!
Me: HUH?
Emelie: It made sense in my head.

Nertz 1.3
Buster: Our language gets a little out of hand when we play...
Me: It's awesome! My favorite curse Buster says is effing shiz-a**... ARSE! DANG it!
Jess: I'm telling Mom!
Buster: I guess you can't do a triple-whammy...

On the Subject of Church
Buster: CHUHCH? I haven't been theh in MUMFS!

As Archie Nibbled Our Toes
Me: Archie bit mey...
Buster: Ouch. Ouch! OUCH, Archie! Ooooooouch! Archieeee!
Me: Ha... Archie bit mey. And that really hurt, Archie, and it's still hurting!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Waltz Back to Me, Oh My Sweet Ann Marie

Monday is the start of my final semester! I'm so excited to be done and start doing something with my life. I do have five goals in mind as relates to the semester though...

1) Be social! I made a ton of friends at SLCC, but I've been different with the U. It's time for me to stop being shy and enjoy what time I have left with these people!

2) Stay on top of homework. That's obviously always a goal, but seriously... even when I'm super busy with projects, I really do waste a lot of time. If I were to concentrate and do my homework with every spare moment, I would actually have a lot of free time left over.

3) Work out and eat right! I tend to neglect my health when school's going and I can't do that. I need to - once I recover from paying tuition - buy some healthy snacks for my backpack and most importantly, NOT indulge when I get home. I need to take an hour or so after getting home from the gym or work to unwind, shower, or whatever, before I think about dinner so I don't eat away the day's stresses.

4) Keep on reading. I got through 4-5 books in my very brief break and I LOVED it. Loved it, loved it, loved it! I need to make time for actual productive leisure instead of the usual internet surfing as a means of procrastination.

5) Apply for one job or send one resume per week. This is self-explanatory... basically I want a real job as soon as possible. I figure as long as I'm even just actively searching throughout the semester, I'll be on track.

Because of goal #1, hopefully I won't be AWOL or anything this semester. Just keep your fingers crossed for now that this won't be a difficult one. :)