
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Marriage Lessons Learned from Funerals

On Thursday, October 10th, my husband and I took the day off work to drive to Iona, Idaho and attend the funeral of my last grandmother, Barbara Elliott ("Toady Gramma"), who died on Friday, October 4th. She'd suffered from severe Alzheimer's for years. She also suffered from hearing loss, which made her as amusing (though in a sad way) as her funny, lively personality made her when she was more "with it." For instance, here are some Grandma quotes from my Aunt Helen's funeral last December, which she hollered instead of whispering to my grandpa:

(Repeatedly to my sister-in-law, as if it were her doing) "This is a good party! These are beautiful flowers."

(As a large man walked into the viewing room) "Boy! He ate his mush!" Cue Grandpa's smacking her in the face with his program. ;)

(As an African American woman with long dreadlocks walked into the viewing room) "Johnny, look at the hair on that darky!" I still contend that old people are allowed to be racist because they don't know any better. So rather than cringe as you would with a middle-aged or younger person, you have to chuckle a bit-- except in this case, where, I assure you, the woman heard.

Anyway, some great things were said at her funeral. How she was incredibly service-oriented, adored her children and grandchildren, and how she had an unmatched sense of humor and love of throwing parties and dressing people up. In the end, there were far more laughs than tears at her funeral. I think that's a mark of a truly special, unique person.

I finally started crying when my dad talked about Grandpa's reaction to Grandma's death. He was a lost puppy, and understandably so! They had been married for 72 years, eight months, and had dated for three years. He was miserable and didn't know what to do with himself. Fortunately for him, however, and unfortunately for us, he only had to suffer his loss for 19 days. He, John Elliott, died on Wednesday, October 23rd. His funeral was yesterday.

The last conversation I had with Grandpa was at the luncheon after Grandma's funeral. As I said good-bye to him (I knew it was my actual good-bye for life, though I treated it more to him as a "see you later"), he said "Jaynee, I hear you got married recently. I was married for 72 years!" He is a quiet man, so I couldn't hear exactly what he said next, but I caught the word "happy." He either said "I was very happy," "I hope you are as happy," or gave me advice, such as "You have to work at it to be happy." All three messages were received and taken to heart at his funeral yesterday.

His entire life was caring for my grandma. He built her a house, and, apart from about 2 years, beginning a year into their marriage, when he fought in WWII, he never left her side nor the tiny town of Iona where both were raised and married. Grandpa was a quiet and simple man while my grandmother had what he called "go-itis," constantly needing to go out and do things. He took her wherever she needed, even in the last few years as her mind suffered but her body did not, and his body suffered but his mind did not. He fought to keep up with her and care for her.

These deaths were very sad for us -- Iona, Idaho was a big part of our childhood, as were our Grandma and Grandpa Elliott. Now all three are gone until we go. They left us with very important lessons about marriage, though. At my grandpa's funeral in particular, the emphasis was on their life together (they didn't really have lives outside of each other. 72 years!). In my dad's talk, the phrase, said by my uncle to my dad the day Grandpa died, was repeated: "It's a love story." Some lessons I learned from my grandparents are these:

It doesn't matter how different you and your spouse are, as long as you are both willing to serve each other and work hard at it.

Love is perfect when you love and serve constantly.

It's okay to laugh at yourself -- please do!

Pet names can go a long way (my grandpa called my grandma "Bobby," and she called him "Shawn." we never figured out the Shawn thing).

Do what you are passionate about. Support your spouse in pursuing his/her passions. 


On a final note, here's a song a coworker on my team sent to the rest of us. He said it was very touching, and he was not wrong: 

I listened to this all week, and it shows really well the feelings I have about my grandparents. :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Moaning Myrtle

I am not going to comment (beyond this sentence) about how long it has been since I have posted, and I will not make excuses not will I promise future posts. Life has been busy, but here I have a moment to write about one of many, many goings-on that make life so great. To start, Joe and I just ended an incredible summer together. It began in May with the official end of his second year of law school and a move from the hobbit hole on State to a house 2 miles north of it. While we miss our first home as a married couple, we could not be happier with our new (and old -- this is the house I grew up in) house!

In July, Joe and I took a trip to the Humane Society of Utah and picked out a cat. We wound up with a darling 2-year-old tabby named Veria (My theory is that she belonged to a little, old lady who had to give her up when she moved to a retirement home... Because, well, 'Veria'? Really?). We brought her home and immediately started calling her Eunice (as in What's Up, Doc?), but that didn't last long. Eunice high-tailed it for the space behind the toilet when we let her out of the tote and could not easily be persuaded out for several days. We decided that she was haunting the toilet -- you know, sitting in the u-bend, thinking about death. So we called her [Moaning] Myrtle. Or, when she's in trouble, Myrtle Eunice Johnson.

I'm quite sure my taking her to the vet for the visit that I agreed to in the adoption contract did nothing to alleviate her nerves. For weeks, she probably believed that anytime I gave her a treat, I was tricking her into a ride in a non-air conditioned car to have a needle thrust in her leg and a thermometer shoved up her butt. Despite that unpleasant adventure, however, she's adjusting very well to her new home. We love playing with her, despite the fact that her new favorite game is attacking feet from under the bed and her most active hours are between 5 and 9 AM.

There you have it; we are officially parents now! Well, besides the fact that our new daughter cleans herself, has some degree of built-in portion control when eating, is litter trained, and can be left at home alone over a weekend, we are.