Well hi! It's 8:45 AM on a Sunday. What should I be doing? Planning the lesson I didn't bother planning all week. Naturally, that means it's time to update my blog. Mono-wise, I'm doing fantastic these days. My only complaint is that I have no idea long how long I'm contagious - anything I've looked up has a very wide date range (even wider than how long the symptoms last. I know now for me that they last 3-4 weeks; however, this information has no value. You can only get mono once.). I
did somehow pass it on to one person - unless she happens to know someone else with it. Joe's sister. I feel horrible about it, but I am extremely puzzled as to how she got it. I haven't been anywhere near her in ages, and anytime I was at their house I kept my distance from everyone but Joe and didn't leave anything of mine around. Go figure!
I started at work 2 we

eks ago. I think it was too soon based on how hard the first week was, but after watching Jurassic park a 3rd time and checking out a second Goosebumps book from the library, it was time. I actually did great this week, and I'm feeling totally normal. In fact, yesterday I went on a little hike up Big Cottonwood and went on a tandem ride along Wasatch Blvd until it ended up North. As you can see from my hiking picture, it was a gorgeous day.
The only thing dragging me down and causing fatigue? All the fun I'm having! 2 weeks ago it was the U2 concert. The

picture here is of their stage - it was amazing! You'd really have to see it in motion and in the dark, but just trust me on that. The concert was a blast and totally worth my dragging myself to survive the rest of the week.
This past Tuesday, I went to Les Miserables at Capitol Theater. I'd never seen the play in any form and really loved it - enough that I wound up starting the audiobook on the way to work the next day.
I think the only other thing to report is that yesterday I sent in my forms for my concealed weapons permit. Awesome, right? I took the 5-hour class on Friday night after work, which was offered for free from a coworker. Since he and his wife took care of everything, all I had to do was address an envelope and send it off. That was actually more difficult than it sounds. How safe would you feel mailing off your name, address, race, height, weight, hair color, eye color, social, credit card information, finger prints, a copy of your driver's license, signature, and a recent photo all in one envelope? Someone steals that, they steal
you! Anyway, the application can take a couple months to process, but in the meantime, I'm choosing out my gun. I had my heart set on a Glock, probably a 9mm, but then the instructor pulled out a 1911. I fell in love with it. When I looked it up on Cabela's website, I decided on the Springfield brand, since Glock doesn't make a 1911 and that was my second choice anyway. When I saw all the pictures, I decided on this silver guy here. Isn't he pretty? 9mm Glock, .45 Springfield... same diff, right? ;)
I'm also posting a picture of a second gun I really liked. It's also a .45 Springfield 1911, but it's more of a WWII design. As you can tell from the fact I like the 1911 design, I love older-looking guns, so this

one is still definitely a good possibility. Anyone want to choose? The silver one was exactly what I had in mind after the class, but this one has a charm in its rustic look, yeah? I believe it is also $50-60 cheaper, and let's face it, at this point I should
definitely be saving money any way I can.
In conclusion, no one ever, ever tell me not to hike alone again. Why? 'cause I'm packin'