
Sunday, January 30, 2011

You know, Catholicism. We believed in the teachings of Cathol and everything it stood for.

These last two weeks have been pretty dang eventful, considering I haven't done a thing really! How does that work? Oh, well, have a seat, get some popcorn, and I'll tell ya. I paid off my car last Monday (and I received the title in the mail 2 days ago). Yeah, I officially own The Black Mamba... but wait, IS she black? I'm very convinced that she's actually gray... but then again, I only wash her in the summer. Hm.

On Wednesday, I came home from work and immediately went to the kitchen to make dinner, 'cause I was starving when Buster said, "There's a surprise for you downstairs." I was very confused, so I went down there, and I have a brand new cedar chest. I instantly knew who it was, because my mom's been talking about getting me one since I graduated from high school. I called her up and thanked her, but she insisted it was all Dick's doing, 100%. A few days before, he had texted to ask our address. I was suspicious, but I didn't connect these two immediately. I can't believe he does these things for me - he's so thoughtful!

On Monday, I got to play with my best friend for the first time in what felt like forever (though it's only been a couple weeks). We went to Zupa's and watched an episode of the Gilmore Girls. Such good times! I've been missing all that - I'm pretty sure I've been craving Zupa's for 6 months, I've been needing friend time badly, and then there's the Gilmore Girls withdrawals... I think I might just pull through now.

See? Like I said, it's been eventful, but at the same time... think about it, all but the playing is over in an instant - and even then, the playing sure feels like an instant. I hope everyone had as good a week as I did and has an even better one this week! Hopefully in the next couple days I'll finish some sewing projects I've been working on and have some pictures to share. :)

PS (can you PSify a blog?) check out this song! No More Hotdogs
Buster came home with a copy of this CD, and we've literally been laughing for 3 days straight at this song.


  1. Thanks for your blog comment! I guess you could say I had the typical Mormon Sunday with my tuna and blogging! :) I had no idea you had a blog, now I shall follow it!

  2. Lady! I love you! Lets play this week! I would at least like to do some painting if you are up for that. You are amazing and I love your face!

  3. Hey, isn't a Cathol the place where a printh goes to save a printhess? :D Tee hee, Brutus. And good job on the Black Mamba.

  4. Stalk away, Jenna... I've been stalking your blogs for months now, it's only fair. ;)

    Lady, I'm always up for painting! Just let me know when and I'm so there!

    Thanks much, Nell! Yeth, I thuppoth it ith... I never thought of that. :D

  5. Did you have broccoli scrambled eggs today?!

  6. Close, I made an omelet with mushrooms. You definitely got me in the egg/cheese mood... Thanks for that!
